Projects funded

Hamilton City Council

Approved loan amount

Council share 

NLTF share

Purpose of the loan

Number of houses


$290.4 million

$180.3 million

$110.1 million

A new residential development at Peacockes in Hamilton

8,100 houses

Infrastructure for this project involves constructing a new bridge over the Waikato River, arterial roads and wastewater and water supply mains.

Tauranga City Council

Approved loan amount

Council share 

NLTF share

Purpose of the loan

Number of houses


$51.8 million

34.15 million

$17.65 million 

Upgrade to the Te Maunga Wastewater Treatment Plant

Combined - 35,000 houses across Tauranga City

This upgrade is to provide additional treatment capacity.

$105.9 million

$105.9 million


A new ‘Waiari’ water treatment plant

Combined - 35,000 houses across Tauranga City

This will be Tauranga’s third water treatment plant, providing additional supply by drawing water from the Waiari Stream near Te Puke. Tauranga's existing water supply is operating at around 97% of its capacity.

$96.1 million 

$34.15 million 

$61.95 million 

A grade separated interchange in the Te Tumu Growth Area. 

3780 houses in Wairakei + 6,000 in Te Tumu Growth Area 

This interchange will connect State Highway 2 - Tauranga Eastern Link, with a new growth area at the eastern end of Pāpāmoa (known as Wairakei), enabling the construction of a new town centre and additional housing in Wairakei following its completion. 

Waikato District Council

Approved loan amount

Council share 

NLTF share

Purpose of the loan

Number of houses


$38 million

$38 million


Residential development at Te Kauwhata

2,790 houses

Infrastructure for this project will include upgrading the water supply and a new wastewater treatment plant and reticulation network.

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Approved loan amount

Council share 

NLTF share

Purpose of the loan

Number of houses


$36 million

$36 million


A new residential development at Kingston

950 houses

Infrastructure for this project involves constructing new three water infrastructure including a bore water supply with a new treatment plant and associated network, a new wastewater treatment plant and associated collection network and a new stormwater network.

$16.1 million

$11.6 million 

$4.5 million 

A new residential development at Quails Rise South, Queenstown

900 homes

Infrastructure for this project includes a water reservoir and supply mains, wastewater mains and stormwater mains, bus shelters, pedestrian/ cycleway underpass and an arterial road connecting to SH6.

$24 million 

$17.5 million

$6.5 million 

Extends existing development and supports the Frankton commercial centre. 

1100 homes 

Infrastructure for this project includes water supply reservoirs and mains, stormwater and wastewater mains, and a new roundabout (SH6/Howards Drive) for Ladies Mile.

Auckland Council 

Approved loan amount

Council share 

NLTF share

Purpose of the loan

Number of houses


$339.2 million 

$136.3 million 

$202.9 million 

Wastewater mains and pump stations, stormwater management and arterial roading including bus and cycle lanes. 

7,770 houses in Redhills and Whenuapai 

Provides framework for developers to connect local subdivision infrastructure. Supports the Westgate commercial centre. Frees up wastewater treatment capacity for growth in the south.