
Fewer people in emergency housing is one of nine Government targets announced today (8 April).

The target is jointly led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the Ministry of Social Development with Hon Tama Potaka, Associate Minister of Housing, the Lead Minister. The target is about ensuring far fewer families and children in emergency housing with a specific target of 75 per cent decrease in households in emergency housing.

Numbers of households in emergency housing will be monitored, to ensure the time people are in emergency housing is decreasing and overall numbers are reducing. In the short term, we will monitor families with children in emergency housing for over 12 weeks.

Target performance will be posted on lead agency websites, and quarterly Targets reports to Cabinet will be proactively released.

Factsheet: Target 8 – Fewer people in emergency housing (PDF, 180 KB)

Read about the nine Government targets on the DPMC website(external link)

Read the Prime Minister's media release(external link)