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The Transitional Housing code of practice came into effect on 1 July 2023 and will be fully operational by December 2023. The code sets out standards for accommodation and expectations of Providers and households in Transitional Housing.

These include expectations around healthy and safe housing, pleasant living environments, fair and transparent exit processes and issues management.

Why has this code been developed?

A law change clarified transitional housing is exempt from the Residential Tenancies Act 1986. 

Until now there has not been a clear set of rules, standards and responsibilities to govern the relationship between the organisations that provide and manage transitional housing accommodation under the Transitional Housing Programme (Providers) and the people who stay in that housing (Households). The code of practice has been developed to remedy the situation for transitional housing accommodation. 

How was it developed?

There has been a high level of engagement throughout its development and finalisation with input from Providers, including kaupapa Māori Providers, advocacy organisations, sector peak bodies and relevant government agencies.

What else is new?

When issues arise, these are generally managed through Provider processes. However, in rare cases where things cannot be resolved, there will be a centralised, independent process, established as part of the implementation of the code of practice, for solving disputes.

Operating Guidelines have also been updated to help Providers understand their transitional housing responsibilities, and how to implement transitional services.

Where is the code?

The code is now incorporated in a Schedule to each of the Transitional Housing Provider Services Agreements and Transitional Housing Support Services Provider Services Agreements.  A portion of the text, related to the quality of accommodation, is also in the Motel Funding Agreement.

For more information visit the Transitional Housing page on our website.