Retirement Villages Act review – outcomes of public consultation and next steps

Published 16 Oct 24
The Government is taking a more focused approach to progressing the review of the Retirement Villages Act. The review is proceeding based on progressing changes that are broadly supported by the retirement sector and are priorities for residents.
- Read the Minister's announcement on the Beehive website(external link)
- Read the Retirement Villages Act 2003 review – outcomes of public consultation and next steps (PDF, 424 KB)
Priority areas and changes
The review is focusing on three priority areas based on concerns raised over a number of years by the Retirement Villages Residents’ Association, consumer advocates, and residents themselves. These are:
- maintenance and repairs of operator-owned chattels and fixtures
- complaints and disputes
- options for incentivising or requiring earlier capital repayments when residents move out of a village.
A more focused approach means that some topics in the 2023 discussion paper with a lower impact on residents, or are too complex to progress are now out of scope.
These include introducing minimum building standards and additional monitoring and compliance requirements by government agencies.
Next step and time frames
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development will continue to brief the Minister over 2025. At this stage any amendment bill will likely be introduced in the next parliamentary term.
A summary of the 11,000 submissions on the Retirement Villages Act review discussion document is expected to be available on our website in the coming months.
Read about the Retirement Villages Act, regulations and codes