31 Ngongotahā Road purchased through Land for Housing

Published 18 Jan 23
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has purchased the land at 31 Ngongotahā Road through the Land for Housing programme, for a mixed development of affordable homes for the private market and public housing.
The development is for approximately 350 homes. HUD has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Watchman Residential to progress design and consenting works. Watchman have a project team of consultants working directly with councils and the Ministry for the Environment on consenting applications and requirements.
Public meeting scheduled for 26 January 2023
A public meeting is scheduled for 5.30-7.30pm on 26 January 2023 at the Ngongotahā Community Hall. Ben Dalton, Deputy Chief Executive Place will attend to provide further information and answer questions from the public and the news media.
It’s in everyone’s interests to see a development that will enhance the community. More housing is a solution to housing stress and related community impacts. In recent decades, New Zealand has failed to build enough houses and we need to build more homes to catch up on decades of undersupply. Everyone with an interest is invited to come along to the public meeting to share ideas about what they would like to see in a development that will deliver to the community.