Te MAIHI Whare Wānanga ki Te Tairāwhiti
The fourth MAIHI Whare Wānanga was hosted by Toitū Tairāwhiti at Te Poho o Rawiri Marae in Gisborne on the 1st -2nd of December 2022.
Maui Nukurau Tangata – Innovation in Iwi Housing
The theme for this MAIHI Whare Wānanga was Maui Nukurau Tangata – Innovation in Iwi Housing. This was taken from the name given to Maui for his ability to find new and extraordinary approached to the tasks and challenges he faced.
Maui Nukurau Tangata – Innovation in Iwi Housing is interconnected with MAIHI – Maori and Iwi Housing Innovation. Innovation is the key and summoning the qualities of Maui is important in enabling lasting change to Māori housing.
Ataata I Livestream recording & videos
MAIHI Whare Wānanga ki Te Tairāwhiti - Day 1 Highlights(external link)
MAIHI Whare Wānanga ki Te Tairāwhiti - Day 2 Livestream(external link)
Toitu Tairāwhiti - The story of Edward Waititi(external link)
Toitu Tairāwhiti - The Builtsmart story(external link)
Toitu Tairāwhiti - Census - The kainga of Hautai & Joseph(external link)
Rautaki me ngā rauemi I Strategic documentation & resources
Ngā hononga pāpaho I Media links
Tairawhiti takes charge of housing future (via Waatea News)(external link)
$25m allocated towards kaupapa Māori approach to addressing homelessness (via RNZ)(external link)
Kaupapa Māori homeless housing plan funded (via Waatea News)(external link)
Māori housing programme gathering pace (via Waatea News)(external link)
Information about past events