The indicators include information on homelessness, housing support, transport and urban areas, as well as on whānau, housing providers, funding, and the relationship between Māori and the Crown. Where data is available, we report figures for whānau Māori, Pacific peoples, and disabled people, as well as for the general population.  

The indicators display the outcomes of collaboration between Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), other central government agencies, local government, iwi and Māori, builders, developers, housing providers, and various stakeholders in the housing and urban development system.

We report on progress using these indicators through a System Update

More information about the Housing and Urban Development Indicators is available in this excel spreadsheet.  (XLSX, 89 KB)

How we developed these indicators 

Indicators for the GPS-HUD and MAIHI Ka Ora have been developed in parallel. The indicators were selected based on criteria, including:

  • Strong relationship to outcomes within the GPS-HUD and MAIHI Ka Ora  
  • Measuring change in the whole system, rather than specific policies or programmes 
  • Measuring change at a national level, with information for population, geographic, and tenure groups where appropriate.  

These indicators will evolve as we continue to improve our understanding about the housing and urban development system. We expect to add new indicators and to replace others as more information about change in the whole system becomes available.  

We have also identified a number of gaps where there are currently no indicators available, and additional indicators are required. These gaps reflect opportunities to work with the wider sector to strengthen our understanding of the system and our collective work to achieve long-term goals.